The farm is very remote. The recommended hotel is about 30 minutes away in Paris. There will not be shuttles provided. It is recommended that you schedule your Uber in advance to ensure you have a ride if you need one.
Hotels are not my style. Are there any accomidations on site
Several guests (including the bride and groom) will be staying onsite in RV/campers. There is more than enough room, and there will be power hookups for the RVs. If this is something you would like to do but do not have an RV, you can check out the many RV share sites like Water is available on-site if needed, but there is no place to dispose of grey and black water. We do ask that if you plan to bring an RV/camper, you reach out to the bride and groom so we can make sure we accommodate you.
Is the wedding outdoors?
YES! The ceremony will be in the open air, and the reception to follow will be held in a large tent just feet away from the ceremony space. Dress for comfort. This is not a black-tie event.
Did I read that right....wear white?
You read it right. We encourage everyone to wear White, the only color that absorbs all other colors. White symbolizes the purity and honesty of our intentions. It is also the the color that best represents Source. We want to tap into the unconditional love of everyone, including Source, and vibrate at the highest possible frequency. If white isn't your thing, that's ok. We are just happy you'll be coming.
What time should I plan to arrive and plan to depart?
The ceremony starts at 5 pm. Plan to arrive about 4:30 to get a good seat. There will be a cocktail hour followed by a huge Polish dinner. After that, we are going to party late in to the night. The DJ is scheduled to play until 3am!